Jo Hodson, 54
Architect (and Paris' Mum!)
When I was deciding who to include in the first ever "My STALF" piece, I was thinking through all the wonderful women who have supported STALF, who wear STALF everyday and who look amazing all the while. There's pretty much only one person who could be top of the list- MUMMA HOD.
When I say that a day has not passed since I launched STALF that she's not seen wearing one of my pieces, I'm not kidding- my mum is my biggest fan, and STALF'S number one supporter.
Her wardrobe is a STALF archive- silks from before I even launched the first collection, samples that were never deemed "successful" by me but that she hoarded away and treasured all the same.
I'm unashamedly biased, but there was pretty much no competition for the spot of the original STALF gal, and the first interview-ee.
Ladies and gents... my mother. <3
We ask Jo to answer the MySTALF q+a...