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ever wondered why we're called Stalf?

ever wondered why we're called Stalf?

Anchor 2




Stalf (abrv.)

Stella + Alf aka my grandparents.


Alf was a trawler man from Lincolnshire. Stella lived on his street.


They married on the 1st November 1958.


They had children. Nieces, nephews, grandchildren.

A ginormous dog. 

They worked hard, laughed harder.

Held hands, hugged big, shared sweets, smiled lots.


They were part of a generation who didn’t just wear clothes once, for one season, simply because they were in fashion.


Their clothes were selected and saved for.

Worn, repaired and recycled. Worked in.

Cherished, loved, laughed in, lived in.


Paid for in units of time well spent.

They kept their feet on the ground and their imaginations in the clouds.



























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